- Once you've purchased your EPSO-style Written Test Simulation(s), head to your EU Training Dashboard.
- Scroll down to find the MY WRITTEN TESTS section on the left side, here you will see your quota, as well as the related Documents you need to prepare.
- Just like the real EPSO exam, you have access to the document ahead of time, and you will only receive the assignment when you start the exam.
- The assignment given on exam day will directly relate to this document
Take your time to prepare:
- Read through the document thoroughly
- Analyse, and create an outline
- Summarise the most important sections in your own words
- Think about possible tasks you may be assigned
To start your test simulation on your Dashboard:
- If you want to practice without a time limit, choose 'Practice'
- If you're ready to do the timed simulation select "Exam simulation."
- Choose "EPSO Specialist (AD, AST)", then "[product-name]"
- Only 1 simulation should be chosen before proceeding
- Click "Next," then "Start exam simulation"
- Make sure to open the background document in a separate window of your browser
Once you've written your response to the assignment and finished the simulation test, you can request an evaluation from your Practice History section, on the right under the START NEW TEST section. Remember, the EPSO-Style Written Test only assesses one competency: Written Communication Skills.
To prepare for the Written Test, we highly recommend reading this free article: Writing effectively and avoiding plagiarism.